

このページは eigo13 の電子ブックに掲載されている74ページの概要です。


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plan would go well, because we were completely exhausted.While we were going west, we encountered a roasting wind. Manyinjured people were passing us and went in the opposite direction. Ourbroken senses or the extreme conditions around us made us feel nothing.Gradually I felt my shoes became heavier and heavier. Even my hatwas too heavy. After walking for a while, I finally took off both of my shoesand hat and threw them away.On the railway around Nigitsu shrine, there was a burning cargo train.It told us again how strong the bomb blast was.We went to cross Tokiba Bridge. But a member of the civil defense unitwas announcing to the people who wanted to cross it. “You cannot cross thebridge because the asphalt part of the bridge is burning.” Hearing it, manypeople were moving up the bank to cross the train bridge. And we too wentup the bank.On the train bridge, we saw some of the railroad ties were smoking inspots. We three all looked at each other and hesitated to cross the bridge.Then our friend A began to cross it, as if he was prepared for that. And next Idid, and last was our friend B.There were about 40 centimeters between one tie and the other. Somuch courage was needed to make next steps. I continued to move forwardwith all of the courage I could find, evading the smoking parts of the bridge. Ireally regretted to have thrown away my shoes.I was afraid that I might accidentally slip and fall into the river. When Ibecame fearful, I could not move forward or backward. Finally I managed tocross the train bridge.As soon as I reached the other edge of the bridge, I looked back to try tofind my friend B, but I couldn’t find him. I thought he had decided it wasimpossible for him to cross the bridge and had given up. Then I tried to findmy friend A but I couldn’t find him either.Because I had lost two friends with whom I had managed to overcomeevery difficulty and then finally made it to this place, all of my strength hadgone from my body and I fell down on my knees. Feeling deep despair, I fellinto confusion, and could not think about what to do next.I didn’t know how long I had lost my mind for. A very big noise “Bang,Bang!” made me come back to my senses.On the left side of Yokogawa station, we saw big flames from a fire. We